The Maarif Schools Of Türkiye In Mali: A Real Support For Diplomatic Reinforcement Between Two Countries




diplomacy, education, culture, Mali, Türkiye


This paper discusses the partnership between the Mali and Turkey. A partnership based on key areas such as education and culture. Agreeing to contribute to education in another country shows certain values or concerns that companies may have in common. And deciding to get closer to another culture through languages also supports the will to converge together towards a better tomorrow between peoples. In more ways than one, this proves the maturity of Malian and Turquoise society. It is through education that societies build themselves and hope for a better future for their citizens. Through the MAARIF schools, Mali and Turkey have established a genuine diplomatic credo of friendship between the two peoples. This relationship is strengthened by cultural exchange based on the promotion of languages. The two countries aim to forge closer ties through language centers in each country to help them get to know each other better.


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Raoul Delcorde, (2021), La diplomatie d’hier à demain, Markada, Belgique.

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diplomatie, éducation, culture, Mali, Türkiye



How to Cite

KEITA, M. (2024). The Maarif Schools Of Türkiye In Mali: A Real Support For Diplomatic Reinforcement Between Two Countries. Interdisciplinary African Studies, 2(1), 25–31.