Inclusive Education System and Its Emergence of the Republic of Mali




Inclusion, Inclusive education system, Children with special needs, Child


Based on the law (principle) of giving equal rights and opportunities to every person, equal rights and opportunities in education should also be given to individuals with disabilities. As well as being universal, the inclusion practices, providing education for disabled individuals together with their peers with normal development, are also gaining more and more importance each passing day in the Republic of Mali. This research attempts to evaluate and interpret the inclusive education system of the Republic of Mali. Admission and placement of children with special needs in schools practicing inclusive education, in-depth investigation of the quality achievements of the inclusive education given in these schools in the Republic of Mali constitute the objective of this research. For this purpose, written documents related to the implementation of inclusive education system in the Republic of Mali were examined. In the findings of this study in which the descriptive-analytical research method was used, The inclusive education system of the Republic of Mali first started with the second grade students of the Young Blind Institute in Bamako between 1983 and 1984, and today, children with special needs between the ages of 3 and 6 (preschoolers) are included in schools where inclusive education is implemented. The nature and quality of inclusive education in this country is being improved day by day.


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How to Cite

FOFANA, A. (2024). Inclusive Education System and Its Emergence of the Republic of Mali. Interdisciplinary African Studies, 2(1), 17–23.