Water governance in Africa: Analysis of the paradoxes of managing an “ultra fragile” resource



Water, whatever its purpose of use: consumption, agricultural irrigation or hydroelectricity, is highly coveted and today represents a major management challenge for humanity. However, the sustainability of this resource is subject to vulnerabilities that require careful management. The situation of lack of access to water in Africa at a time when demography is exploding, prompts us to question the quality of management of this resource by the bodies in charge. According to many experts, the fact that African countries are affected by serious problems of water deficiency is not only linked to the low presence of the latter on the territory, but to the political choices that frame this resource. Addressing water governance in Africa therefore amounts to analyzing the political, legal and institutional framework that organizes its management. This study particularly raises the question of whether access to water in Africa, in addition to climate-related problems, would it not be above all a problem of governance? However, the State seems to be convinced in its speeches that reasonable access to water is essential to ensure development and mitigate the effects of poverty at all levels. In the era of water governance reforms, one wonders why African states are unable to answer this question validly. The study aims to highlight the issue of water governance in national and local public action. With this in mind, an analysis of the policy choices in terms of management and the logics that organize this resource will be established. The example of the experiences of Cameroon and Africa will be mentioned in turn in this research.


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How to Cite

Ibrahimou, hamidou. (2023). Water governance in Africa: Analysis of the paradoxes of managing an “ultra fragile” resource. Interdisciplinary African Studies, 1(1), 55–70. Retrieved from https://afrikacalismalari.com/index.php/pub/article/view/2