Maritime Crossroads: Unraveling the Maldives- Turkey Relations (1650-1900)


Mots-clés :

Ceylon, history, Maldives, Ottoman Relations, Türkiye


This article explores the historical relations between the Maldives and Turkey, with a specific focus on a period encompassing 250 years, ranging from 1650 to 1900. The Maldives, strategically situated at the confluence of ancient trade routes, played a central role in the sphere of maritime trade, contributing significantly to the broader landscape of international diplomacy and cross-cultural exchanges. Numerous historical cues affirm that the Maldives was far from an obscure entity to the Ottoman Turks. This is substantiated by explicit references to the Maldives found in historical sources, such as Ali Macar Reis' atlas from 1567, Katib Çelebi's 17th Century magnum opus 'Cihannüma', cartographic depictions by Mahmud Raif Effendi (1803), accounts documenting the sporadic anchoring of Ottoman vessels in Maldivian ports, a well-documented tradition tracing back to the 16th century of delivering 'hutbe' or Friday sermons in honour of the Ottoman Sultan, and the fact that during the latter part of the 16th century, the Maldives functioned as a vassal state under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire, providing assistance in their conflicts against the Portuguese. The Ottoman influence left an indelible mark on various aspects of Maldivian society, permeating diverse facets, including the judiciary, cuisine, language, literature, coinage, symbols, titles, fashion and Maldivian Chess (Raazuvaa). Paradoxically, although these historical affiliations underscore substantial interconnectedness between the Maldives and Turkey, academic scholarship has been limited. Addressing this scholarly gap, this paper employs a comprehensive research methodology, integrating archival research, and comparative cultural analysis to reveal the nuanced facets of diplomatic, cultural, religious and political relations. This research aims to bridge knowledge gaps, shed light on overlooked history, and contribute to a deeper understanding of the enduring relationship between the Maldives and Turkey.




Comment citer

CAREEM, Z. (2023). Maritime Crossroads: Unraveling the Maldives- Turkey Relations (1650-1900). Interdisciplinaire Des Etudes Africaines, 1(2), 229–251. Consulté à l’adresse