Elements Of International Competition in The Horn of Africa



Horn of Africa, international competition, international powers, regional powers, Africa


The issue of conflict and competition between states is an old problem that has been renewed throughout history with changes in plans, strategies and instruments. However, in any case, the national interest represented in security and economy is at the top of the priorities of the countries in conflict or competition throughout history. When talking about national interest, strategically important places come to the fore. Here, it is impossible not to mention strategic places without associating them with natural resources and geographical locations, which are effective in the field of security and economy at the international level. The Horn of Africa region has all the strategic features mentioned above. For this reason, the importance of this region has not been lost in the eyes of international and regional powers for years. Thus, the story of the elements of international and regional competition in the Horn of Africa is the subject of this study.


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How to Cite

Mahamat Oumar, A. (2023). Elements Of International Competition in The Horn of Africa. Interdisciplinary African Studies, 1(1), 1–20. Retrieved from https://afrikacalismalari.com/index.php/pub/article/view/4