Has the Level of Security Threat Among Unemployed Youth in Sierra Leone On the Increase? What Do You Think Should Be Done to Unlock Job Opportunities for Unemployed Youth?



regional peace, unemployed youth,, Sierra Leone, stability, security


The most crucial factor for economic development, regional peace, stability, and security is the provision of fundamental amenities like health and education, as well as quality jobs for young people. The situation is getting more severe as the number of young people without jobs rises. Along with being a socioeconomic problem, youth unemployment and the associated underemployment have emerged as a significant political and security concern in Sierra Leone. Both of its realms are where its causes and effects are found. Young people who are non-disabled yet unskilled, jobless, and alienated have been willing to pick up violence in exchange for modest sums of money and the promise of recognition. They are more likely to be swayed by fighting factions or recruited into their ranks. The nation's peace and security have been violated as a result, which has hindered the nation's development. In an environment of uncertainty and instability, no country can prosper. Investors are drawn to peaceful countries, and investment leads to the creation of jobs. The high unemployment rate has several causes, according to some. These include a high population growth rate, massive rural-urban migration, a Vocational and Technical Education shortage, neglect of agriculture, and corruption.


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How to Cite

Kamara, S. A. (2023). Has the Level of Security Threat Among Unemployed Youth in Sierra Leone On the Increase? What Do You Think Should Be Done to Unlock Job Opportunities for Unemployed Youth?. Interdisciplinary African Studies, 1(2), 129–140. Retrieved from https://afrikacalismalari.com/index.php/pub/article/view/12