Understanding the Green Economy of African Politics and Democracy- A Case of Sierra Leone 2018-2023


Mots-clés :

Green economy, African politics, democracy, Sierra Leone, sustainability


This paper examines the impact of the green economy on African politics and democracy, using Sierra Leone as a case study from 2018 to 2023. It analyzes how the green economy's policies and initiatives have influenced political processes, democratic institutions, and citizen participation. The paper also explores the challenges and opportunities associated with the green economy in the context of African democracy.


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African Development Bank. (2014). Sierra Leone - Transitioning Towards Green Growth - Stocktaking and the Way Forward. https://www.greenpolicyplatform.org/project/sierra-leone-transitioning-towards-green-growth-stocktaking-and-way-forward

International Trade Centre. (2022). Promoting a green economy in Sierra Leone. https://intracen.org/file/itcsmeco202120210617execsummpdf

Mol, A. P. J., & Sonnenfeld, D. A. (2000). Ecological modernization around the world: An introduction. Environmental Politics, 9(1), 1-14.




Comment citer

Moinina, V. (2023). Understanding the Green Economy of African Politics and Democracy- A Case of Sierra Leone 2018-2023. Interdisciplinaire Des Etudes Africaines, 1(2), 205–227. Consulté à l’adresse https://afrikacalismalari.com/index.php/pub/article/view/20